Welcome to your new Wild Apricot website |
Your Wild Apricot web siteWild Apricot is web-based software for small associations and non-profits to help manage membership, website, events and other activities. Read more | Content Building BlocksThis theme uses content gadgets as building blocks. Colored lines at the top of each gadget on this page are added using separate content gadgets with a background color. This allows you to use any number of colors to highlight logical parts of your web site, break page in to blocks, and arrange your message so the most important information is visible right away. The look of the theme can be customized by simply choosing different spacing for gadgets and selecting background colors that are best fit for your association. Join today! |
Top story!You can use content gadgets to display your custom content, including text, pictures, tables, and links. You can use our other gadgets to display dynamic content from your Wild Apricot account, like recent blog posts or upcoming events. |
This theme was designed as a general purpose theme. Using content gadgets as building blocks, it results in a modern flat design. This theme make good usage of color in backgrounds or titles. With this theme color helps highlight different parts of the web site and make it much easier to control where your clients look or what call to action he reads. This leads to better web site user experience.
Wild Apricot is web-based software for small associations and non-profits to help manage membership, website, events and other activities. Since our focus is small organizations, we've designed Wild Apricot to be both powerful and affordable.
Be creativeGadgets are the building blocks of Wild Apricot site pages. Each page consists of one or more gadgets arranged within page-specific layouts or theme-specific placeholders.This theme was designed to be very flexible and easy to customize without any knowledge of HTML or CSS. | Upcoming events
| MembershipA contact becomes a member when assigned a membership level. Event attendees, donors, and newsletter subscribers are also contacts. Join us now!
Gadgets are the building blocks of Wild Apricot site pages. Each page consists of one or more gadgets arranged with links. | Gadgets are the building blocks of Wild Apricot site pages. Each page consists of one or more gadgets arranged with links. | Gadgets are the building blocks of Wild Apricot site pages. Each page consists of one or more gadgets arranged with links. | Gadgets are the building blocks of Wild Apricot site pages. Each page consists of one or more gadgets arranged with links. |
Not a member yet?Active communication is very important to grow your organization and make a difference. You can always visit |
Wild Apricot is web-based software for small associations and non-profits to help manage membership, website, events and other activities. Since our focus is small organizations, we've designed Wild Apricot to be both powerful and affordable. |
background image for your gadgets | The look of the theme can be customized by simply choosing different spacing for gadgets and selecting background colors that are best fit for your association. Taking colors from your association logo is in most cases the right way to go. |